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Hi, it's pretty obvious, when you look at images of my work,
to determine my primary interests and manner and style.
It seems condescending, to me, to bother you with the obvious.
I do have a few words below about my approach to painting.
Sculpture and 'incidental' architecture have always been part
of my work and expression. Sometimes they all collide.

The paintings, on a formal level:
Issues having to do with looking and thinking about
perception, at the moment of seeing the 'motif,' are most
interesting to me. Making a painting in that situation
(percepting/thinking) is most inclusively 'real'.
The painting made at the 'motif' and then taken to the studio,
becomes the 'new' motif.
The 'original' painting is then the source for another painting; I
may then replicate (repaint) the original or select from it another
motif and build (literally) a way to combine the various iterations
and other forms.
My method, I like to think, is akin to the notion of 'Stream of Consciousnes'

Artist's Statement